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Female Presenter


I joined the 4H program when I was seven. Though the focuses of my clubs changed over the years (gardening, robotics, forest and marine science, and skateboarding) public speaking was a constant. Every year I would participate in demonstration competitions, and every year I would get better and better.

My main strength was coming up with new and exciting topics. Not wanting to waste this talent, I started this blog so I could continue to share (and learn) about the some of the interesting things this world has to offer.

My best presentations have been about bioluminescence (especially in the deep ocean), limb regeneration (in animals and eventually in humans), and bizarre medieval art phenomena (drawings of snails fighting knights, paintings of Moses with horns, and all varieties of art depicting bored stabbing victims). 


The world is beautiful.


There are so many things to learn about.


Learning is what life is all about! If we only study in the classroom, we don't see how interesting it really is.

About Me: About
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